
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blogging, Blogs and Bloggers in USA

Hosted blog platforms were started in 1998.
Open diary was launched in 1998.
Live Journal was launched in March 1999
Blogger was launched in August in 1999
(Wikipedia article on blogs   )

12 essential tips for revitalizing your blog in 2012

Tumblr 39,163,985 blogs
50 million+ posts in a day (1.1.2012)
Wordpress say around 35 million+ blogs
Blogger does not disclose anything officially.

Million dollar blog project

December 2011
Edublog awards 2011

November 2011
247,000 bloggers dies this year and leave 453,000 blogs from USA.

Blogging is decreasing and young ones are moving to Facebook and Twitter
Verne Kopytoff in New York Times - February 2011
Blogger in December 2010 had 2% less unique visitors at 58.6 million. But Globally still it had increase in visitors to 323 million.

Teens and Young Adults are not Blogging - Moving away from blogs
Social media and young adults - Pew study - February 2010
Full Pew Report  - 2010  usage of various internet services

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 452,000 bloggers
Business article

Very Interesting Study on Blogging by Pew Internet

Important points
Blogging is bringing new group of writers and creators. 54% of the bloggers have not written any thing elsewhere.
Around 32% only are writing for audience. Rest are writing for their personal expression and satisfaction. Only 7% are writing with an aim to make money.
53% have a single blog.
17% have two blogs
26% have three or more blogs
Only 13% post in their blog daily
Typical blogger spends only 2 hours per week.
Income sources: Selling items, Advertisement, Donations, Premium content sales
13% have more than 100 hits per day.
10% of the blogs have received some sort of public recognition.
Half of the bloggers get traffic from people they know only.
Number of Americans who keep a blog: 12 million

Blogging in USA 2004

By end of 2004, there are 8 million bloggers in USA.
Pew Internet Report - 2005

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