
Friday, February 3, 2012

Knol - A Top 1000 Website


Estimate for unique monthly visitors for Knol: 

(Basis of estimation 100 times of performance of Narayana Rao)
7 million
This unique visitors number gives 730 rank to Knol


6.84 million

This give Knol a rank of 784th website


6.62 million

This gives Knol a rank of 831


6.2  million

6.2 million is an important figure because in the earliest of Top 1000 announced by Google Adwords the 1000th ranked website had 6.2 million unique visitors. Now, Knol registered the estimated 6.2 million unique monthly visitors and it is now in firmly in the Top 1000 website. Its onward movement is strong with good momentum.

Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao
10 million unique visitors per month  will give Knol a rank of 444
Presently at 444 rank  10 million unique visitors per month.


Knol is a Top 1000 website

Estimate for unique monthly visitors for Knol: 5.524 million

Knol is a Top 1000 website on the basis of Unique monthly visitors.

Top 1000 Websites - Ranked on Unique Visitors per Month
Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao

Knol will register estimated 5.5 million unique visitors by tomorrow and this performance will make Knol a Top 1000 website based on July 2011 Google adwords data.


Knol Top 1000 Website?

Based on the top 1000 web sites released by Google, many websites are stating that top 1000 website requires 4.1 million unique visitors per month.

Is knol getting 4.1 million visitors already?

My knol portfolio is getting 47,111 unique absolute visitors per month. Assume it is one percent of visitors to Knol. Knol may be getting 4,711, 100 visitors per month. More than 4.1 million unique visitors per month.

Top 1000 Websites - Ranked on Unique Visitors per Month


A Poem on Knol reposted and modified (16.11.2011)

Goal, goal, this time for knol
Whole world for reading knol

Goal, goal, this time for knol
Play and excel in knol author role
Post and promote knol with Google
Goal, goal, this time for knol

Write, write, the time is bright
Think, think, no need to blink
Link, link, there is juice to drink
Cite, cite, you will be right

Three years toil of yours
Returns you fruits and dollars
Provides you  page views and visitors
Now all yours and yours

Goal, goal, this time for knol
Whole world for reading knol

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S

Source: Knol Progress 2008 - 2010


Congrats, Congrats - Knol Enthusiasts

Congrats, congrats
Visitors, visitors
Flocking your sites
Leaving comments

Congrats, congrats
Sits knol on multi-million hits
Stands tall in global websites
Provides authors credits

Congrats, congrats
Knol enthusiasts
Efforts and results
All yours, yours

9.10.2011 Narayana Rao


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