
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Earning by Writing Knols through Adsense

Earning by Writing Online Articles Through Adsense

In articles and blogs, pages get monetized through advertisements. Many authors say  1000 visitors to your blog would give between $1 to $3 a day. If click through rates on some sites are low, the lower side would prevail on most of the days. There are authors on various articles sites with claims of decent money. But many authors may be making $100 to $200 per month sufficient to make them feel excited about the income check but they are more excited about their articles and readers.

But there some authors with high page view numbers and adsense incomes.

On Google Knol
(Closed from 1 May 2012)

Knol is estimated to have 10 million page views per month and Knol authors in total may be earning $10,000 per month. At least we can think of 25,000 authors writing on Knol. The figure can go up to $30,000 if page views go up to 30 million per month.
31st October 2010
The first three digit revenue figure noticed in adsense by me

450,000 High-Income Earning Bloggers in USA

eHow Earnings and Residual Writing Income

Make $30,000 a year on free lance writing.
Top 100 Authors on  shows that there are some associated content authors who are registering around 500,000 to a million page views per month which will give them $750 to $2000 per month.

Made $50,000 in 2010 through online writing and blogging

Writers are artists or performers first. They have an art they want show to others.
But artists have to live also. So society has created certain mechanisms for artists to earn money by performing.
We know there are some who are making huge amounts of money in performing arts and visual arts. Some writers of books, journalists and free lance writers of feature articles also make good amount of money.
Electronic publishing offered many more people chance  to have a go at writing as well as creating visuals. People can present their output to world audience and make money if they are successful.
What is the scope and what are the chances of making money in this endeavor?.

Earning Money by Writing Blogs

Technorati recently made a survey of bloggers and came out with interesting information. Every knoller who is thinking of making money through knols needs to read it.

It is a very interesting and useful report.

Some Points from the report

Bloggers and blog readers

eMarketer (May 2008)

94.1 million US blog readers in 2007 (50% of Internet users)
22.6 million US bloggers in 2007 (12%)

Universal McCann (March 2008)

184 million World Wide have started a blog | 26.4 US
346 million World Wide have read blogs | 60.3 US
77% of active Internet users read blogs

What is a Blog?

Wikipedia defines blogs as:

A Blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.

There are 76,000 blogs with Technorati Authority of 50+

Among those with advertising, the mean annual investment in their blog is $1,800, but it’s paying off.

The mean annual revenue is $6,000 with $75K+ in revenue for those with 100,000 or more unique visitors per month.

Note: median investment and revenue (which is listed below) is significantly lower.

Median Annual Investment $80 (US Bloggers) $15 (European) $30 (Asian)
Median Annual Revenue $200 (US Bloggers) $200 (European) $120 (Asian)
The report tells you that there are around 184 million writers already who are trying to write blogs. All of them potentially can write on knol also.
You have to decide you area of strength and specialty where you can provide material of some uniqueness so that reader after reader comes to your article or knol. Reader after reader will come only if there is a word of mouth. People recommend your knol to others.
You need to create a circle of persons to whom you can intimate immediately after writing a knol and some them will read your knol.
There is scope of for money. But it is a long way. First you must love your art. You must have the interest to communicate your knowledge and thoughts to people. And do it well and consistently. Practice and accepting suggestions of readers will improve our articles. Then money may follow.
All the best to all knollers - knol writers.

Earning Money by Writing Articles on Article Platforms

Articles Writing Platforms

Good Articles on Adsense income on Hub Pages

Google AdSense income: How much do you earn per day through Google AdSense program?

If you get 1000 visitors per day, you get $1 to $3 per day. This statement is reasonable statement. On blogs people may be making more. But on article platforms where advertising options are extremely limited, this income is the norm. On Knol also, similar income only will be earned.

My Hubpages AdSense And Amazon Earnings Disclosed  Article written on 1st July 2010 by Hubber Ryankett

The writer gets 15,000 page views daily and earned $710 in June 2010

Some Interesting Points Made
(i agree with many of them and want Knol authors to notice them)

He recommends writing 800 to 1200 word articles and gives number of other useful tips.

He said he knew at least five hub page authors  who regularly earn in excess of $2000 per month from their content and some might earn much more. But they are people who have worked extremely hard to achieve.
Anybody has to work very hard and very smart as well by understanding the nuances of the activity by reading others suggestions and participating in forums. If an author  writes 10 hubs in 18 months and then bemoans lack of earnings, nobody can help him. You need to write number of articles as well as ensure that there is reader interest and reader utility in them.

Titles/Topics - "I never write a hubpage with an identical or very similar title to another existing hubpage, unless that hubpage is very poor quality." It seldom works to compete with a reasonably popular existing page in the article platform. Use Keyword Tool to identify popular keyword phrases and search your article platform and then using Google search articles on other platforms. Write articles for titles having  popular medium or long-string keyword phrase and has some revenue potential.  No point of writing articles if there is no interest from readers.

Using Twitter: "I tweet every hubpage."  Twitter is a nofollow website. But certain other sites pick up twitter messages and they give dofollow links.
"I ensure that each of my hubs is bookmarked at  three bookmarking sites and  on a personal blogger site." You need to develop backlinks for the success of your articles.

"Tagging has become one of my absolute priorities." We knol authors are not using category feature provided by Knol.

According to me all the ideas given in this account by Ryankett are logical and benefit authors. Knol authors need to notice them and use them.


More articles and interviews on High Income Earning Hubbers
A Hubber earned $1000 in November 2009  -  Whitney05 Domestic animal expert


Interesting Articles on Earning Money on Xomba

I made $2954 in one year on Xomba through Adsense  April 2009
One Year Anniversary – Xomba and Google AdSense Earnings Report   Wdzzz

Blog of a popular Xomba author


Making Money Through Blogs - Problogger Articles

How to Make $30,000  a Year  Blogging
You need 1643 adsense clicks at 5 cents each.

How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for June 2010

How much money do blogger earn blogging
A poll 3054 responses.
28% nothing. From the rest 51% less than $100 per month. 9% more than $15,000 per month.


Making Money - Articles on Associated Content

If you get 2000 page views per day you can make $90 to $100 per month.

My earnings in four years from around $6,000 and from in one year is $25K

Top 5 Associatedcontent writer - 2008

Visit for a criticism of the payment system of Based on my experience with Adsense I do not agree with the arguments of the author. But the author tries to advocate that one can create a website of his own and make more money than contributing to article platforms. So an author has an option or choice. He can weight the benefits of having his blog or website versus publishing in an article platform which imposes more restrictions on him.

Knols on Article Promotion - Knol Promotion


Some More Related Links Around $8000 in 2008  links to some articles by hubbers on their income.
Top 5 adsense earners - web sites

How much digitalpoint forum members are making - A Poll
44.21% below $100 per month

Articles on Making Money on Suite


A writer stated that consensus opinion seems to be that making $300 per month is the pinnacle of success on Helium platform. The article is a review of Helium site.

Larry Darter

Experience on Knol confirms it. It is not easy to make money. Requires effort, skill, promotion and some luck.


From Adsense Blog

Happy Birthday AdSense
17 June 2011
2 million publishers in adsense network

Adsense case studies

Careerplanner. com
2.5 million visitors in 2007
2011 5.5 million visitors a year.


Average Number of visits/page views per blog post/online article

Junior BIz Com  110 page views per post per month
14 clicks : 61 pv per post per month
Caution: You need to create incredibly high-quality content, post it properly to WordPress, optimize it for search engines, and get people to share it through social media.

1 facebook fan gives you 20 additional visits in case of retail sites


Top 5 Social Media Blogs

Social Media Examiner
8.11.2011 About 450,000 persons per month read our mag. 114,000 email subscribers

Ignite Social Media


Search Engine Land

SEomoz blog  How many visitors per blog. Some blogs getting good visitors
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