
Friday, March 16, 2012

My Comments on Knol in Various Blog Posts Related to Knol

13 February 2009
My comment on the blog post

Why Has Knol Survived Google's Orphan-Project Killing Spree?


I am actively writing blogs. On the blogger dash board I saw knol announcement and immediately posted my first knol.  I am a faculty member, and whatever I wrote, was within a defined strategy. My first idea was that I shall create articles based on standard text books that facilitate revision of the material by working professionals. Now I added some more projects like management concept knols that give a very introduction to the concept, but indicate knols available on the topic and also research papers available on the topic. The collection of research papers will occur over a period of time with the development of a community of researchers. I am a part of 50 member research community. I have to motivate them to get involved. Similarly I started a project on concepts related to investment field. All these ideas to be executed by individuals will take time. Google knol is technical platform and content writers will emerge after some time. Why are you advocating closing of the platform? While many top institutions have provided internet writing platforms to their faculty members, still there are large number of institutions who have not provided such facilities. Many faculty members from such institutes will register with knol and provide content.

 Please do not actively canvass for shutting down the platform. If google with its commitment to charity cannot support such a platform, who will?

 Please do not actively canvass for shutting down the platform. If google with its commitment to charity cannot support such a platform, who will? The platform will do good to the society.

Original Knol - 2utb2lsm2k7a/ 1004

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