
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Steps to Increase Visitors and Page Views for Your Blogs

Join Blogspot Blog Author Foundation Google+ Community and Participate in Discussions and Share your blog posts.

I just read an article on Blog Promotion.
I liked one suggestion - Send at least one Thank you note every day in cyber space.


Facebook groups for blog promotion

17 tips

99 ways to promote your blog

How to help your content rise above the noise

Posted on Knol

Suggestions to Authors to increase page views

1. Plan to write one knol a week.
2. Update all your knols. Examine your knols for improving language (spelling and grammar)
3. Examine whether you can insert a  youtube video.
4. Examine whether you can add some more content.
5. Give links to your other knols under an appropriate caption - related links - My other knols etc.
6. Send twitter messages about each of your knols.
7. Make a blog entry about each of your knols.
8. Make a digg entry about each of your knols. for Article Marketing, Reading and Appreciating
9. Announce your knols on Knol Bulletin Board 2010, for Authors and Visitors..
10. See  Knol Directory of Interesting Knols  and insert your links in appropriate subdirectory.
11. Send E mail to all your friends informing them of this important milestone. They will visit your knols.
12. Participate on Knol Discussion Board of Knol Help .
13. Make entries about your knols in orkut/linkedin/facebook communities.
14. Think of more ideas. You are a creative person.

For some more ideas
Ways to Improve Knol Site and Promote Knol Articles




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