
Monday, April 30, 2012

Video Knols - Big Scope

Video Knols - Big Scope

Video Knols - Big Scope


Video Blog

Video blogging, sometimes shortened to vlogging  or vidding or vidblogging is a form of blogging for which the medium is video and is a form of Internet television. Entries often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata. (Wikipedia ).

Video Knol

The definition can be slightly modified to include blogposts with the main content as video, as video blogs. From there it can be extended to knols. Video knols are knols where the main focused content is a video. While videos can be prepared by the authors themselves, there is lot of good content on Youtube awaiting distribution. So knol authors can select useful videos and can highlight them through their knols, My idea of Knol books is an useful channel for collecting videos belonging to a subject into an online book. I am trying to create some video knol books.

Knol Videopedia

Knol VideoPedia launched to highlight video knols. Already there are many video knols and more will be created.

Salman Khan in Business Week Pages for his videos in Mathematics and Other Subjects

Salman Khan got millions in funding from Bill Gates and Google for producing more educational videos.  Knol can be a distribution channel for those videos.
Even in online world, one distribution channel is not sufficient, You need multiple distribution outlets for an item or post to reach millions. Knol VideoPedia. will do that job.
Read about Salman Khan's video internet venture 

More articles on video blogging

One Million Page-views per Year on Knol

One Million Page-views per Year on Knol

One Million Page-views per Year on Knol


Knol is a good platform for publishing online article in various categories. It has traction and authors can get good number of page views. The knols are indexed by various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others. Knols appear in top search results of varous search engines. Now, large number of people are aware of Knol platform and they are visiting knols from various social networking platforms and social bookmarking platforms. Visitors are regularly coming from Facebook, Linkedin and Orkut.
The global number one Korean author might have already achieved the distinction of one million page views per year in Google Analytics data. Now one more author is going to cross the milestone in some days. The monthly page views of this author are approaching the figure of 75,000 per month and 83,500 page views per month would mean 1,000,000 page views. It is going to happen soon.
Now Knol has large number of popular knols. They are identified through search queries and the queries and results are available in various knols of  Top Knols - Knol Book .
7.7.2011: 987,874

Collected Knols

Knols - Reference Favorite List - Nrao

Knols - Reference Favorite List - Nrao

Knols - Reference Favorite List - Nrao


Collected Knols

Recently Revised Knols - Collection 1

Recently Revised Knols - Collection 1

Recently Revised Knols - Collection 1

New Knols of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.


Knols by Narayana Rao - Lists
(Page view classification)

Popular Knols 1  (5000 page views and more)
Popular Knols 2  (3000 page views to 5000)
Popular Knols 3  (1000 page views to 3000)
Interesting Knols (500 page views to 1000)
Rec. Rev. Knols  (Up to 500 page views)
Recently Posted/Created Knols - New Knols - Narayana Rao
July 2009 to June 2010 Knols posted in reverse page order
July 2010 - till now  Knols posted in reverse page view order


Top Knols by Page Views of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

50 knols with more than 5000 page views
500 knols with more than 1000 page views
800 knols with more than 500 page views   


Collected Knols



101 to 113 400 pv
114 to 127 500 pv
128 to 137 600 pv
138 to 141 700 pv
142 to 143 800 pv
144 900
145 to 149 1000 pv
150 2000 pv
This gives the way in which recently revised knols are becoming popular.

Narayana Rao - 17 Jun 2011

Short urls

Narayana Rao - 01 Jan 2011

Interesting Knols of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Interesting Knols of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Interesting Knols of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Interesting knols are articles having more than 500 page views. More than 1000 knols of Narayana Rao have page views more than 600. 675 knols have 1000 or more page views


Knols by Narayana Rao - Lists
(Page view classification)

Popular Knols 1  (5000 page views and more)
Popular Knols 2  (3000 page views to 5000)
Popular Knols 3  (1000 page views to 3000)
Interesting Knols (500 page views to 1000)
List of Knol Books by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
List-2 of Knol Books by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
Rec. Rev. Knols  (Up to 500 page views)
Recently Posted/Created Knols - New Knols - Narayana Rao

Part of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. - Knol Home Page
There are more than 800 Interesting knols of Narayana Rao.
Search Link - 16th page showing 751-800 knols


Top Knols by Page Views of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

60 knols with more than 5000 page views
550 knols with more than 1000 page views
800 knols with more than 600 page views                                                                 


Collected Knols


Short urls

Interesting knols (500 to 1000 page views) of Narayana Rao
Narayana Rao - 24 Mar 2011

Added - Psychology Article Series (KVSSNRao) - Directory 17.10.2010
Narayana Rao - 17 Oct 2010

Added Active Knol Authors List - 17.10.2010
Narayana Rao - 16 Oct 2010