
Monday, April 30, 2012

Video Knols - Big Scope

Video Knols - Big Scope

Video Knols - Big Scope


Video Blog

Video blogging, sometimes shortened to vlogging  or vidding or vidblogging is a form of blogging for which the medium is video and is a form of Internet television. Entries often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata. (Wikipedia ).

Video Knol

The definition can be slightly modified to include blogposts with the main content as video, as video blogs. From there it can be extended to knols. Video knols are knols where the main focused content is a video. While videos can be prepared by the authors themselves, there is lot of good content on Youtube awaiting distribution. So knol authors can select useful videos and can highlight them through their knols, My idea of Knol books is an useful channel for collecting videos belonging to a subject into an online book. I am trying to create some video knol books.

Knol Videopedia

Knol VideoPedia launched to highlight video knols. Already there are many video knols and more will be created.

Salman Khan in Business Week Pages for his videos in Mathematics and Other Subjects

Salman Khan got millions in funding from Bill Gates and Google for producing more educational videos.  Knol can be a distribution channel for those videos.
Even in online world, one distribution channel is not sufficient, You need multiple distribution outlets for an item or post to reach millions. Knol VideoPedia. will do that job.
Read about Salman Khan's video internet venture 

More articles on video blogging

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