
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

University of People - The World’s First Tuition Free Online Academic Institution

University of the People (UoPeople) is the world’s first tuition free online academic institution dedicated to the global advancement and democratization of higher education. This  global educational model embraces the worldwide presence of the Internet and dropping technology costs to bring university level studies within reach of millions of people across the world.


Academic Programs



Principles of Business Management
This course is an introduction to the field of business management. Topics include functional management, products and services, business technology, human relations, ethics in business, environmental, global and economic factors, current issues and new trends in business management.
Course Number: BU 1101
Prerequisites: None
Basic Accounting
This course serves as an introduction to the basic theory, principles and techniques of contemporary financial accounting. Topics include the accounting cycle and the preparation of financial statements.
Course Number: BU 1102
Prerequisites: None
This course introduces the economic analysis of the interactions between households, businesses and government with regard to allocation of goods, services and resources. Topics include theory of consumer behavior, production and cost determination.
Course Number: BU 1103
Prerequisites: None
This introductory course is an overview of the topics of unemployment, inflation and economic growth. Focus will be placed on the role of various factors in determining macroeconomic policy.
Course Number: BU 1104
Prerequisites: None
Principles of Marketing
This course provides a solid introduction to the field of marketing with the intent to develop a general understanding and appreciation of the factors and methods involved in marketing a variety of goods and services. Topics include consumer needs, segmentation, target marketing, positioning, pricing, distributing and promoting goods and services.
Course Number: BU 1201
Prerequisites: None
E-Commerce for Business Administration
This course serves as an introduction to Internet-based business models (i.e., e-commerce) in organizations. Study of this field will assist information professionals to recognize opportunities and overcome challenges posed by the e-economy. Topics include e-commerce management, use of information systems and integration with human resources, knowledge management strategies, e-marketing and relationships between the Internet, government, and society.
Course Number: BU 1202
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management
Principles of Finance 1
This course examines the role of the financial manager in the overall management and control of a corporation. Both the short-term management of working capital and long-term investment strategy are covered.
Course Number: BU 1203
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management & Basic Accounting
Personal Finance
This course provides a practical overview of personal finance management. Focus will be placed on the development of personal financial management skills. Topics will include; budgeting income and expenditures and planning for financial security and retirement,
Course Number: BU 1204
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management & Basic Accounting
Financial Accounting
This course is a continuation of the study of accounting with emphasize on accounting for liabilities, equity, and corporate forms of ownership. Topics include responsibility accounting, budgets, cost control, and standard costing procedures and variances. Emphasis is on management reporting.
Course Number: BU 1301
Prerequisites: Basic Accounting & Principles of Finance 1
Consumer Behavior
This course provides the student with a comprehensive theoretical and practical foundation of knowledge regarding the forces (such as economic, social, psychological, and cultural factors) that shape the attitudes and behaviors of consumers of products and services.
Course Number: BU 1302
Prerequisites: Principles of Marketing
Entrepreneurship 1
This course is an introduction to entrepreneurship and the concept of starting a small business. Topics include the costs and benefits of operating a small business venture and surveys the various types of small businesses.
Course Number: BU 1303
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management & Principles of Marketing
Managerial Accounting
This course is a continuation of Financial Accounting with focus shifted to the internal needs of managers. The course offers students an understanding of managerial accounting techniques used in today's modern business world.
Course Number: BU 1304
Prerequisites: Financial Accounting
Business Law 1
This course provides analysis and application of legal principles relevant to the conduct and understanding of commercial business transactions in the global environment. Topics include the legal, ethical, and social aspects of business, agencies, partnerships, and other forms of business organizations.
Course Number: BU 1305
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management
This Business & Society
This course provides a study of the role of society in the modern economy and the intricate relationships between the public and private sectors. Topics also include social responsibility and governance issues in the changing global environments.
Course Number: BU 1306
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management
Multinational Management
This course provides an examination and analysis of multinational management functions and processes including planning, organizing, leading, and controlling across cultures and borders in globally diverse environments and organizations. Topics include cross-cultural strategic planning, leadership, and human resource management
Course Number: BU 1307
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management, Principles of Marketing & Principles of Finance 1
Entrepreneurship 2
This advanced course addresses entrepreneurship in international markets. The key success factors in creating a new internationally oriented business venture will be examined from the perspective of the entrepreneur.
Course Number: BU 1401
Prerequisites: Entrepreneurship 1
Organizational Behavior
This advanced course focuses on the examination of research and theory of factors that influence the way members of an organization behave. Topics include the behavior of employees, work groups and supervisors, effective organizational communication, handling of change in the organization, and the goals and structure of an organization.
Course Number: BU 1402
Prerequisites: None
Business Policy & Strategy



Skills for Online Learning
This is an orientation course which will guide the student in the use of the University of the People learning system and provide an exposition of basic computer applications. Among these applications: Windows, Internet browser/HTML, word processing, spreadsheets, database management and presentation software.
Course Number: GS 1001
Prerequisites: None
Programming Fundamentals
For non-Computer Science students. This course introduces the basic ideas concerned with how computers are related to problem solving. The students will be introduced to computer architecture and operations. The Java programming language will be used to demonstrate and exercise the usage of algorithms and programming.
Course Number: CS 1101
Prerequisites: None
Introduction to Programming 1
This introductory course teaches the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming by use of the popular Java programming language. Topics will include classes, operators, interfaces, arrays, program control, testing, debugging, polymorphism and inheritance.
Course Number: CS 1102
Prerequisites: None
Introduction to Programming 2
This course teaches advanced Java programming language features preparing students for professional software development. Topics will include data structures, object-oriented design, graphical user interfaces, exception handling, multithreading, and encapsulation.
Course Number: CS 1103
Prerequisites: Introduction to Programming 1
Social and Ethical Issues of Computing
This course focuses on the ways in which computers pose new ethical questions or pose new versions of standard moral problems and dilemmas. The discussions will center on the study of ethical concepts to guide the computer professional, and on computer professional codes of ethics. We will use case studies to relate to ethical theory with emphasis on the ethical and legal use of software.
Course Number: CS 1201
Prerequisites: None
Computer Architecture
This course provides an introduction to computer architecture and organization. Emphasis is the architecture, design and realization of computers, instruction set architecture, data paths and control, memory-hierarchy design, pipelining, peripheral devices and evaluation of performance. The course will present and expanded upon the machine language and assemblers
Course Number: CS 1202
Prerequisites: Introduction to Programming 1 & Introduction to Programming 2
Database Systems
The first part of this course provides a survey of the basics of database systems. The main focus of the course will concern the following topics: retrieving and manipulating data; CGI interfaces to SQL databases; and Java databases connectivity.
Course Number: CS 1203
Prerequisites: Introduction to Programming 1 & Introduction to Programming 2
Communication and Network
This course will focus on the tasks associated with setting up and maintaining a network. What's the definition of networking? Have you ever wondered just how all of the network connections work, or what it takes to set up your own network? You'll learn about networking software, security, concepts and technologies, and learn how to set up a common server.
Course Number: CS 1204
Prerequisites: None
Operating Systems
This course provides an applied introduction to commercial operating systems. It is intended for intermediate students who have basic programming skills. Key concepts of computer systems and operating systems are introduced, as well as the communications and linkages associated with computer systems. Operating systems that are introduced include Microsoft® MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows® 2000, UNIX/Linux, and IBM System/360 OS/JCL.
Course Number: CS 1301
Prerequisites: Computer Architecture
Computer System Administration
This course will focus on how to run and administer computer installations including databases and communications. Among the subjects to be covered are: Managing users, maintenance, backups and restore policies and techniques, security, system configuration, handling of remote services.
Course Number: CS 1302
Prerequisites: Operating Systems, Social and Ethical Issues of Computing & Computer Architecture
Software Engineering
This course focuses on the requirements engineering process, including identification of stakeholders, requirements elicitation techniques such as interviews and prototyping, analysis fundamentals, requirements specification, and validation. Course topics will include: the use of models (State-oriented, Function-oriented, and Object-oriented); documentation for Software Requirements (Informal, semi-formal, and formal representations); structural, informational, and behavioral requirements; non-functional requirements; and the use of requirements repositories to manage and track requirements through the life cycle.
Course Number: CS 1401
Prerequisites: Introduction to Programming 1, Introduction to Programming 2, Database Systems & Communication and Network
Comparative Programming Languages
This course focuses on the organization of programming languages, emphasizing language design concepts and semantics. Study of language features and major programming paradigms, especially functional programming.
Course Number: CS 1402
Prerequisites: Introduction to Programming 1 & Introduction to Programming 2
Foundations of Computer Science



English Composition 1
The purpose of this course is to develop and enhance basic skills of reading and writing which are necessary for adequate performance in the academic arena. A passing grade in this course is a necessary condition to continue in all the University of the People
Course Number: GS 1101
Prerequisites: None
English Composition 2
Students will become familiar with a wide variety of genres and practice them in reading, writing and speaking exercises. Communicating the results of academic research, reading fiction, poetry and drama, preparing job applications, writing memos, and preparing and presenting proposals and presentations will increase awareness of the need for multifaceted language abilities.
Course Number: GS 1102
Prerequisites: None
Business English
This course provides an introduction to Business English with the aim to improve communication skills using business-related topics. The student will learn how to use English in conducting business in traditional settings as well as using the Internet. Topics include; negotiating, speaking in business meetings, delivering presentations, writing business letters, memos and emails, telephoning, business vocabulary and multicultural communication.
Course Number: GS 1103
Prerequisites: None
Mathematics, Economics and Statistics
College Algebra
This is a standard course which can be used to satisfy General Studies requirement as well as provide a solid grounding in algebra, trigonometry, and analytic geometry in preparation for further mathematical studies.
Course Number: GS 1201
Prerequisites: None
Finite Mathematics
This course will address topics in mathematics particularly applicable to business including; sets, probability, systems of linear equations and inequalities, matrix algebra, linear programming and game theory.
Course Number: GS 1202
Prerequisites: None
Calculus 1
Calculus 1 covers topics such as real numbers, differentiation, continuous functions, integration, limits, and analytic geometry.
Course Number: GS 1203
Prerequisites: College Algebra
Calculus 2
Calculus 2 covers applications of the integral, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, and vectors.
Course Number: GS 1204
Prerequisites: Calculus 1
Math for Computer Science
This course focuses on computer science-related mathematical constructs and concepts. The topics covered include: The representation and manipulation of number systems; Propositional and predicate calculus; Boolean algebra in computer logic design; Functions, relations, graphs, recursion and induction; and Combinations, permutations, and counting techniques.
Course Number: GS 1205
Prerequisites: Calculus 1 & Calculus 2
Linear Algebra
The course centers on the manipulation of systems of linear equations. Topics covered include; Matrix algebra, Vector spaces - linear independence, bases, dimension, and vector subspace configuration; Linear maps - matrix representations and structure theorems
Course Number: GS 1206
Prerequisites: Finite Mathematics (for Business Students) or Math for Computer Science (for Computer Science Students)
Introduction to Economics
This course provides an introduction to economics as well as an overview of macroeconomics and microeconomics. Operations of a market economy, money and banking, and the relations between business organizations and government regulatory agencies, optimal allocation of resources, price stability and long-term growth are among the issues dealt with. Not intended for students enrolled in business programs.
Course Number: GS 1250
Prerequisites: None
Introduction to Statistics
This course presents the students with basic concepts in statistics and encourages statistical thinking. Topics covered include descriptive statistics, probability, discrete and continuous random variables, the central limit theorem, linear regression, and hypothesis testing.
Course Number: GS 1280
Prerequisites: None
Natural and Environmental Studies
Introduction to Environmental Studies
This interdisciplinary course examines the impact of social groups and individuals on the natural environment. Critical environmental issues such as air pollution, water sources, energy, and climate change are analyzed and discussed. Special attention is given to national and global policy formation regarding land use, agriculture, energy and waste disposal.
Course Number: GS 1301
Prerequisites: None
World Culture: Art through the Ages
This course takes you on a virtual tour of some of the great museums around the world and includes a general introduction to various art forms in historical context. Students will “taste” the history of art across time and space: from prehistoric to Gothic, from Renaissance to Contemporary, from Egypt, Greece, Europe, Asia, and America.
Course Number: BU 1401
Prerequisites: None
Introduction to Philosophy
This course traces the origins of philosophical ideas from Socrates and Plato in Ancient Greece to great thinkers of modern times. The idea that philosophy is a manner of thinking about the most basic problems faced by ordinary people is stressed and students are encouraged to examine the ideas of the philosophers as they impact their own lives.
Course Number: GS 1402
Prerequisites: None
Introduction to Sociology

Is University of the People an accredited university?

University of the People intends to obtain accreditation, but cannot promise nor guarantee the time-frame in which this might occur. If the University is accredited at the time the degree is awarded, the student would have the benefit of having graduated from an accredited institution. Prospective and current students of UoPeople should take into consideration the possibility that they will finish their studies with us with no accredited degree.

Answer as accessed on 14.3.2010

Student Handbook of 2009-2010 can be downloaded from

Advisory Committee

Ms. June Arunga
June Arunga is a founding partner and member of the board of directors at Black Star Lines (BSL), a technology solution provider for cell-phone based payments and money transfers in Africa. She is also the founder and president of Open Quest Media LLC in New York.

Dr. Russell S. Winer- Chair, Department Of Business Administration
Russell S. Winer is the William Joyce Professor and Chair of the Department of Marketing at the Stern School of Business, New York University. He previously served on the faculties of Columbia University, Vanderbilt University and the University of California at Berkeley.

Dr. David Wiley
Dr. David Wiley is Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University, Chief Openness Officer of Flat World Knowledge, and Founder of the Open High School of Utah.

Dr. Y.S. Rajan
A well-recognized authority in the field of technology development and business management in India, Dr. Y.S. Rajan is Principal Adviser, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), and best known for co-authoring a best-selling book with India’s former President Abdul Kalam: INDIA 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium.

Dr. Mihai Nadin
Dr. Mihai Nadin made a name for himself as one of the first proponents of integrating computers into the U.S. education system. Dr. Nadin has served as Endowed Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas since 2004, and he is also the founder & Director of anté, Institute for Research in Anticipatory Systems.

Dr. Abdul Waheed Khan
Dr. Abdul Waheed Khan, Ph.D., is the Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information at the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Prior to joining UNESCO, Dr. Khan served as Vice-Chancellor of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in New Delhi, and the Founding Director and Professor of its Communications Division.

Ambassador M. Humayun Kabir
His Excellency M. Humayun Kabir has been the Ambassador of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the United States since July 2007. A career diplomat with the rank of Permanent Secretary to the Government, Ambassador Kabir previously served as Bangladesh’s High Commissioner to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji

Dr. Gabriel Hawawini
Gabriel Hawawini is the Henry Grunfeld Chaired Professor of Investment Banking and former dean of INSEAD (2000-2006), one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools. He is currently Visiting Professor of Finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Professor Daniel Greenwood
Professor Daniel J. H. Greenwood serves as professor of law at the Hofstra University School of Law. Previously, he was S.J. Quinney Professor of Law at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College Of Law.

Mr. Ryan Craig, J.D.
A leader in education, Ryan Craig, J.D. is the Founder and President of Wellspring, the leading organization addressing the epidemic of childhood obesity through educational programs, including college programs, boarding schools, summer camps and after-school programs.

Professor Jack M. Balkin
Jack M. Balkin is Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment at Yale Law School, the founder and director of Yale's Information Society Project and the co-director of Yale's Law and Media Program.

Ms. Esther Wojcicki
Ms. Esther Wojcicki has been the Journalism & English teacher at Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA for the past 25 years. After building the journalism program from a small group of 20 students in 1985 to one of the largest in the nation including 350 students, Ms. Wojcicki was selected by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing as 2002 California Teacher of the Year.

Details accessed on 14.4.2010

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