
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 18 - Make posts in your Twitter account

Blogger Social Media Marketing - February 18 - Make posts in your Twitter account

I did not know it. But suddenly I got an idea that I should do a campaign on my marketing management revision articles on Twitter. I am getting excellent response today for my posts on Twitter. Also I came to know that Twitter Analytics are available. It shows that I got 10,000 impressions in this month on Twitter. I got 28 new followers this month. Today itself I have 2 more.

It is good that 18 February Social media activity is make posts in your twitter account. I also came across an article that says SEO will be more productivity. But SEO requires social media presence. Hence I have to have a relook at SEO. I just started collecting recent articles on SEO. I shall combine with old articles to come out with 30 steps or so for undertaking SEO for Blogs.

Please let me know your suggestions.

My Twitter account is @knoltweet

Please let me know your twitter account through comments. Would be happy to follow fellow bloggers.

Great!  my followers number reached 2030.  I follow 2047. Shall increase the number today.

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