
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hoisting The Flag of Your Google+ Pages and FaceBook pages

9 April Post

If you start a Google+ page, people will not come to it instantly. You need to develop traffic for the Google+ page also. You need to introduce your page to your friends first. Then see whether it is coming in search results of Google+. Take various actions so that it appears in Google+ search results. The page can have cover photo etc. Post them and even change them periodically if it has an effect on people visiting your page.

Include your Google+ page in your email signature.
Promote blogs of others in your Google+ page and inform them through Google+, FaceBook or Twitter.
Add Google+ page to your blog posts.
Write comments on other blogs including your Google+ Page.
Google+, FaceBook pages have value depending on the number of followers and through your blogs you may be able get that value. So develop the pages with adequate effort.

Promote your Google+ page

19 May 2016
Yesterday I found that my Google+ Page and FaceBook page on Bollywood Films comes in the top 20 results on Google, Yahoo and Bing searches.

Bollywood Hindi Films YouTube Videos - Google+ Page

Bollywood Hindi Films YouTube Videos - FaceBook Page

It is an A to Z Challenge Blog Post
NRao Blogs - 2016 A to Z Challenge Blog Posts

My twitter account  @knoltweet   Follow me and I shall follow back and we can continue the AtoZ relationship on Twitter.

It is an A to Z Challenge Blog Post
NRao Blogs - 2016 A to Z Challenge Blog Posts

Basic Understanding of Basics of Marketing will make you a better marketer of your blog.

Updated 19 May 2016,  9 April 2016


  1. I have a google account but don't really understand how it works or how to make it work for me. Need to study this option! :) Thanks for the tips!

    1. Thank you for the comment. Both Google+ and FaceBook pages have value. Online authors have to try to use them. If after some trials they are not working, they can be neglected. I have one page on Google+ and One on FaceBook working well with 1000+ and 500+ followers.

  2. With growing number of SM communities, its challenging and difficult to manage pages in almost all channels. May be you should do a post on emphasizing which SM network provides good traffic to the site and has the potential to boost the website traffic. Very neat and useful, Mr. Rao!

    G- Greatness isn't self proclaimed

    1. Thank you for the comment. Specifically with respect to pages, I have one successful page on FaceBook and One on Google+. There are on different topics or blogs. So I think one has to start pages on all networks to start with and slowly neglect the platforms on which there is inadequate response and continue with pages having adequate response. Experimenting is essential in advertising.

  3. Those are some uselful tips. Thanks for sharing. I blog @

  4. Useful information specially when there is a swarm of people across the internet!!
    @w0rds4u from As Time Flies

  5. I do not understand technical and statistics much, I write for myself, yet your posts are quite informative. visiting from
