
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Publicize Your Community Relevant Posts in Linkedin Communities

April 19

I am a member of 50 Linkedin Communities. Many of you may be having similar number of communities. Hence we have to choose the community in which we want to share a blog post. I write blog posts in number of subjects. So, the community choice is not that very difficult. But bloggers who write in only one subject have a much more choice to decide which community will respond better to their message about a blog post.

Your going through posts by others can prove valuable in this regard. If any connected question is there in the community, it is the best place to give publicity to your blog post. Unless you offer value no body will read your blog post. People are there to satisfy their needs not yours. You have to find out what is their need and write to satisfy their need. Take time to observe and listen to social media conversations before writing posts. Then only you will succeed in social media promotion.

It is an A to Z Challenge Blog Post
NRao Blogs - 2016 A to Z Challenge Blog Posts

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