
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Cumulative Visits for A to Z Blogging Challenge April 2016 Posts

31.3.2023 - 33,334 views

1 August 2016 - 5136
16 June - 4221
29 May - 3214
25 May   -  2956
30 April 11.30 pm  - 2581
6  April 10 am               1569
4 April night 10.50pm - 1459
1st April Morning:  917
27 March           :  660
26 March 2016  :  531

I can expect 5000 hits by end of the event. Only 50% of the target is reached. But I was busy during the month with other activities related to the job.

Updated on  31.3.2023,  1 August 2016, 16 June 2016


  1. Nice results! But I understand that first things come first.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  2. 5000 hits target reached on 1 August 2016. 103 hits came to on this day.
